EISAR The Bankruptcy Commission – Saudi Arabia
EISAR (The Bankruptcy Commission – Saudi Arabia) is an independent governmental entity that advances confidence in bankruptcy procedures by improving the capabilities of professionals in the field, enhancing efficiency, and increasing transparency. EISAR has the authority to license officeholders and experts after they acquire a set of necessary skills and knowledge, which are provided by the Commission through specialized qualification programs. https://bankruptcy.gov.sa/en/Pages/Default.aspx
Educational Programmes
EISAR provides training programmes for bankruptcy practitioners, consisting of a variety of training and qualification tools, such as training workshops, continuous Education Programme and an online academy https://academy.bankruptcy.gov.sa/ .
These programmes aim to provide trainees with a range of basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable them to work in the bankruptcy field. Some of the programmes are considered as one of the professional qualification requirements necessary to obtain an officeholder or expert license.
EISAR provides a comprehensive online source of publications, such as codes of ethics, guides, manuals, and detailed procedural guidelines. Click here to access the Knowledge Center https://bankruptcy.gov.sa/en/KnowledgeCenter/Pages/default.aspx .
EISAR supplements the bankruptcy regulatory environment by developing regulatory standards, forms, and documents stipulated in the Law and Regulations. It is also responsible for managing the administrative liquidation procedure, periodically reviewing the Law's provisions, Regulations, rules, relevant instructions, and guidelines. EISAR coordinates with relevant stakeholders and proposes necessary amendments in accordance with approved regulatory procedures.
EISAR Bankruptcy Commission (Saudi Arabia)